Search Press, UK
画技 Practical Art
2024年春季目录 (上载2024年5月1号)
Search Press is the leading art and craft publisher in the UK. It specializes in producing beautiful and practical books on knitting sewing, crocheting, needlecraft, textiles and general crafts for people of all skill levels. The company was founded in 1970, when Charlotte de la Bedoyere published her first book – Basket Weaving – in an attic room in Kensington. Translated from a German book, this was to be the first of many titles. The format was good, the thinking behind them simple, to publish small, reasonably priced books that were packed with practical information, offering crafters and needlecrafters new ideas and inspirational designs. Lotti, as she is known to everyone here at Search Press, went on include hot trends like pin and thread and candlemaking. The market loved them and so she continued, introducing full colour and a successful series of practical art books – the Leisure Arts.