
Illustrated Books 成人图文书
Art | Phgotography | Design | Pop Culture |

2024年春季总目录 (上载2024年3月18号)

Founded in 1911, Éditions Gallimard has a large catalogue of works of French and foreign literature and social sciences, and it also publishes coffee table books and art books.
Since 1989, the subsidiary Gallimard Loisirs has been publishing guidebooks that are the fruit of constant exploration and undisputed standards of quality, in addition to travel books.
Practical ecology, architecture, design, photography, street art and the culinary arts are among the main subjects focused on by Éditions Alternatives, which has been varying and evolving according to tastes, inclinations and the spirit of the times since 1975.
Since its creation in 1984, Éditions Hoëbeke has endeavored to diversify, to delve into both the past and present, to publish and also create, refresh genres, combine forms of expression, tell stories in a new way, remain unfettered, surprise, reawaken your enjoyment, take you on a journey, astonish you and – we hope – bring back happy childhood memories.
