
Hauschka, Germany
教辅 | 幼儿园,数学,英语

2024年目录 (上载2024年6月6号)

The publishing house Hauschka Verlag has been seeking to enable children to study independently, individually and goal-oriented by means of learning and pracitising material for more than 40 years. At the same time, the initial joy of learning should be brought to the children and their motivation should be kept up. All exercise books and pads are elaborated and tested by teachers and
children together, as editing the content in an understandable manner suited for children is the publisher‘s primary objective. Thereby children can refresh acquired knowledge and make up leeway in various ways while the joy of learning does not come up short. 书讯登记/新书推荐“Hauschka”


Albatros Media, 捷克
洞洞书Peek-a-poo book
| 立体书 pop-up | 非虚构non-fiction | 绘本picture book | 儿童文学reading | 艺术启蒙 art | 自然动物nature | 语言language

2024年春季版权目录 (上载2024年3月18号)
MIMOTO 2024春季版权目录 (上载2024年4月23号)

Albatros Media a.s. is the largest Czech Publishing group with the portfolio of 15 imprints covering every target group from children to seniors. The company publishes over 1 500 titles per year. The flagship Albatros established in 1949 has played an essential part in the history of Czech literature for Children and was one of the seven co-founders of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 1964. It produces top quality children’s picture books in innovative formats.

MIMOTO – a selection of titles from Czech and Slovak publishers.


Grupo Anaya

Grupo Anaya (Barcanova, Larousse, BRUÑO, Cátedra), Spain
科普 | 学习外语 language learning | 工具书 reference | 绘本 picture book



With a strong presence in Spanish language since the publication of the first edition of Pequeño Larousse in 1912, Larousse covers nowadays a wide number of subjects. School and bilingual dictionaries are core products that have reiforced the prestige of the editorial imprint in the field of language teaching. Larousse also publishes reference and picture books for children that offer answers to all their questions.

书讯登记/新书推荐“Grupo Anaya”


Arcturus, UK
成人:Practical Art | History | Reference | True Crime |  Mind, Body & Spirit | Leisure
少儿:reference & edu |  activity, puzzels & humour | practical art | colouring | classics

2024年春季少儿目录 (上载2024年3月9号)
2024年春季成人目录 (上载2024年3月9号)

Arcturus Publishing Limited is dedicated to creating books that appeal to a broad, international market. The books aim to combine excellent content, attractive design, great production values and exceptional value for money. The non-fiction ranges cover reference, practical art, new age, classics, puzzles and children’s books and includes more than a 1,000 active titles.


Larousse France

Larousse, France
少儿: 绘本 picture book | 玩具互动 Activity | 非虚构 Documentaries | 外语学习 language learning
成人:Crafts&Hobbies | Cooking&Wine | Health&Well-Bing | Gardening&Nature | General Knowledge | Games&Pleasure |  Foreign Languages



书讯登记/新书推荐“Larousse France”


Langenscheidt, Germany
艺术主题类绘本 picture books | 成人艺术 visual and performing arts
Langenscheidt 2022目录 (上载:2022年11月6日)
Pons 2022目录 (上载:2022年11月6日)
Klett 2022目录 (上载:2022年11月6日)







