
Albatros Media, 捷克
洞洞书Peek-a-poo book
| 立体书 pop-up | 非虚构non-fiction | 绘本picture book | 儿童文学reading | 艺术启蒙 art | 自然动物nature | 语言language

2024年春季版权目录 (上载2024年3月18号)
MIMOTO 2024春季版权目录 (上载2024年4月23号)

Albatros Media a.s. is the largest Czech Publishing group with the portfolio of 15 imprints covering every target group from children to seniors. The company publishes over 1 500 titles per year. The flagship Albatros established in 1949 has played an essential part in the history of Czech literature for Children and was one of the seven co-founders of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 1964. It produces top quality children’s picture books in innovative formats.

MIMOTO – a selection of titles from Czech and Slovak publishers.



E.A. Seemann, Germany
艺术主题类绘本 picture books | 成人艺术 visual and performing arts

2024年秋季目录 (上载:2024年4月23日)


E. A. Seemann Verlag, founded in 1858, publishes non-fiction books on the fine arts, exhibition catalogs and catalogs of works, as well as memo games that put great art on small cards.

The independent publishing group E. A. Seemann Henschel publishes carefully edited and attractively designed books on the visual and performing arts.
The Imprint E. A. Seemann publishes elaborately produced illustrated books about the Bauhaus, Classical Modern Art, and reference books for teaching artistic techniques. The Imprint Henschel stands for illustrated text books, biographies and educational guides on dance, drama, and music.

Since 2015, the traditional Leipzig-based art book publisher has also been offering contemporary art and culture education for children between the ages of 4 and 12 with E. A. SEEMANN’S BILDERBANDE. There are children’s books about the visual arts, dance, classical music and the cultural side of human history to be – the range of topics is as diverse and broad as culture itself.

The new BILDERBANDE publications break with the usual presentation of knowledge in non-fiction books and combine contemporary, always idiosyncratic illustrations with innovative narrative forms. The authors are proven experts in their field and have their children’s target group firmly in mind when writing – this is how well-founded as well as stimulating and exciting books are created that open up the colorful world of art and culture to young readers.



parenting 育儿 | picture book 绘本 | non fiction 非虚构 |
activity book 互动易智
绘本2024年春季目录 (上载2024年4月17号)
漫画2024年春季目录 (上载2024年8月27号)


Since 1881, Nathan has been a leading publisher for children and school books in France and beyond many countries worldwide. Nathan exists through its publishing partners in 50 countries.  One million copies are printed every year for foreign publishers. New titles are always coming in every month to enrich the catalogue.



Arcturus, UK
成人:Practical Art | History | Reference | True Crime |  Mind, Body & Spirit | Leisure
少儿:reference & edu |  activity, puzzels & humour | practical art | colouring | classics

2024年春季少儿目录 (上载2024年3月9号)
2024年春季成人目录 (上载2024年3月9号)

Arcturus Publishing Limited is dedicated to creating books that appeal to a broad, international market. The books aim to combine excellent content, attractive design, great production values and exceptional value for money. The non-fiction ranges cover reference, practical art, new age, classics, puzzles and children’s books and includes more than a 1,000 active titles.



Combel Editorial, Spain
纸板书 board books | 立体书 pop-up | activity books | reading阅读

Bambú2024春季目录(Fiction and YA titles) (上载2024年2月14号)

Combel is a packager and publisher of lavishly illustrated children’s books since 1989, specializing in pop-up and activity books, but also a wide range of formats, from cloth books for babies to non-fiction series and picture books. Its most remarkable distinctive traits are the accurate editions and the good quality of the texts and the illustrations.  书讯登记/新书推荐“Combel”


Editorial Flamboyant,
picture book 绘本 |
non fiction 非虚构

2024年春季目录 (上载2024年2月25号)

Flamboyant is an independent publishing house founded in 2009 based in Barcelona. The publishing house was born with the intention to bring literary gems closer to both children and parents who appreciate a good story, painstaking illustrations and an extremely delicate object, the book.


North Parade

North Parade, UK
绘本picture books | 科普non fiction | 教辅参考书Reference | 立体书Pop up | 纸板书board book

2024春季目录 (上载2024年2月21号)

Innovative publisher and packager with an unparalleled portfolio of children’s books. Focusing predominantly on early learning + development. Popular formats include refreshing novelty, activity, pop up and picture books, as well as engaging non-fiction + factual titles.

书讯登记/新书推荐“North Parade”

Larousse France

Larousse, France
少儿: 绘本 picture book | 玩具互动 Activity | 非虚构 Documentaries | 外语学习 language learning
成人:Crafts&Hobbies | Cooking&Wine | Health&Well-Bing | Gardening&Nature | General Knowledge | Games&Pleasure |  Foreign Languages



书讯登记/新书推荐“Larousse France”


绘本 |
幼儿启蒙 | 知识科普 | 漫画世界 | 立体书 | 益智游戏

Twirl2022春季目录 (上载2021年11月30号)

报,杂志,数字产品到动画片。凭借360°发展策略。出版集团包括 Bayard Editions,Editions Milan,Tourbillon和BDKids)四个品牌,每年将近800多新书出版。

将在屏幕里伴随孩子。从而借助BAYAM APP,拥有3000多种内容(故事,



Coppenrath, Germany

fiction books | 纸板书Board Books | 绘本picture books | non-fiction

2024年目录 (上载2024年3月18号)

Coppenrath in Münster has a long tradition: in 1768 Josef Heinrich Coppenrath founded Coppenrath Verlag. For over two centuries the firm remained family-owned until the young graphic artist and publisher Wolfgang Hölker took it over in 1977. He gave the company a new direction with his innovative ideas.

The list emphasised both children’s and gift/cookbooks. So arose children’s books of high graphic quality, which always include something special.

Today, children’s and gift books are the backbone of this privately owned company with a programme for the production of ambitious books of high visual quality. A particular strength is the emphasis on supporting book series and characters with non-book products – even internationally, through Die Spiegelburg International, a sister company. In addition, Hölker Verlag is an award-winning imprint publishing unique, visually appealing and well-researched cookery and lifestyle books.


该社最主要的出版重点是儿童书和礼品书,以版式设计质量上乘为优势,以设计精美、内容独具匠心而驰名德国出版界(。第二个出版重点是自1992年开始策划出版的游戏城堡(Die Spiegelburg )系列,出版社力图通过这个丰富多彩的图书系列实现将图书与游戏结合起来出版,由此把书中的各种可爱形象做成孩子们喜爱的绒毛物品、礼品纸、巧克力、瓷器、书包和小箱子等。歌本拉特出版社在德国的出版社排行榜中名列前十名。




绘本picture books | 低幼儿Early Years | 教辅参考书Reference | 趣味认知玩具书Novelty & Activity | 小说Fiction

2023年春秋季目录 (上载2023年2月22号)

Funny, bold, intelligent and original, Seuil Jeunesse has worked with renowned authors and illustrators and publishes high quality picture books, novelty and fiction.


Québec Amérique

Québec Amérique ,
绘本 picture books | Visual Dictionaries | Practical Guides | Health

2023年春季目录(成人/儿童) (上载2023年2月22号)

Since 1974, more than 2,000 titles have been published by Québec Amérique, making for a rich and varied selection of fiction and essay titles. With an impressive number of award-winning authors in its catalog and the exceptional quality of the works it has published, Québec Amérique has shown unequivocally how commited and faithful it is to great literature.
TRANSLATION GRANTS: The Canada Council for the Arts reimburses 50% of translation costs for literary works. SODEC (Government of Quebec) provides financial assistance which can reach 75% of translation costs, including linguistic revision fees, for a maximum of $ 12,500.

书讯登记/新书推荐“Québec Amérique”

DeAgostini Libri

DeAgostini, Italy
non fiction 成人非虚构 | 育儿
picture book 绘本 |
board Books  | activity books 互动易智

2024年秋季成人非虚构目录 (上载2024年8月16号)

Passion for books, sharing of stories and meeting with authors and other readers: these are the main ingredients of the DeA Planeta Libri world, which ranges from narrative to non-fiction, from teens to the various groups of readers.

书讯登记/新书推荐“DeAgostini Libri”


playBac, France
益智Learning |  绘本童书children´s book | 儿童文学YA Fiction

2021年目录 (上载2021年12月15号)

Play Bac was founded in 1985 by 3 childhood friends with a desire to change the way children learn. With this in mind they launched the educational fans, the Incollables, in 1989 and the daily newspaper Mon Quotidien in 1995. Today they aspire to create an “ideal school” with an innovative take on how we educate our children. Editions Play Bac publishes innovative books for the whole family, from fun and educational concepts for kids, to a range of adult gift books in original formats. Our books are tried and tested by kids and teachers, and aim to stimulate, entertain and ultimately empower children to learn. 书讯登记/新书推荐“playBac”

Francor Cosimo Panini

Franco Cosimo Panini Editore, Italy
低幼书Baby Book | 绘本 picture book | 科普non-fiction

2021年目录 (上载2021年8月31号)

The publishing house was founded in 1989 by Franco Cosimo Panini after the change in ownership of Panini Stickers, which he founded together with his brothers. Firstly specialised in arts books, soon the expertise has been extended to children’s books. Today it makes child-focused, parent-friendly children’s books for ages 0-12. 书讯登记/新书推荐“Francor Cosimo Panini”


Yoyo Books,
绘本picture books | educational books | 贴纸书sticker books | Foam Books | 立体书Pop-up Books | 纸板书Board Books | 涂色书Colouring books | 洗澡书Bath books

 2021年目录 (上载2020年11月18号)
 2021年有声书目录 (上载2020年11月18号)
 2021年Board Book目录 (上载2020年11月18号)

Publisher/Packager specialising in children’s books, often with an educational slant, for children up to 10 years old. A perfect combination between top quality and competitive pricing.


Quarto_Walter Foster

Walter Foster Jr.,
non fiction | games | activity
3+ | 5+ | 6+ |  7+ | 10+

2020年春季目录 (上载2020年3月23号)

Walter Foster Jr. publishes fun and imaginative books and kits for children of all ages. Encouraging learning and exploring, Walter Foster Jr. titles cover a wide range of subjects, including art, edutainment, history, craft, nature, preschool concepts, and more. As a creator of content for children and families, Walter Foster Jr. strives to bring out that childlike wonderment in all of us and inspire lifelong interests.

书讯登记/新书推荐“Quarto_Walter Foster”