
Kindermann Verlag, 德国
非虚构 non fiction | 绘本 picture book | 文学 fiction

2024秋季目录 (上载2024年7月1号)

Founded in 1994, Kindermann Verlag has developed several bestselling series such as „World Literature for Children“. Author Barbara Kindermann narrates classic literature such as Goethe’s „Faust“ or Shakespeare’s „Romeo and Juliet“ in a language that children understand easily and even adults enjoy. Wonderful illustrations of well-known artists underline the exciting stories. New, modern Series with educational topics enrich the program since 2020. 书讯登记/新书推荐“Kindermann”


The Quarto Group

艺术Art | 工具书
Reference | 科普 Popular Science | 童书 kids

2024年春季童书目录 (上载2024年6月11号), 其中包括:

2022年成人秋季目录 (上载2023年5月4号), 其中包括:

Quarto creates a wide variety of books and products, in many formats for adults, children and the whole family. The Group encompasses a diverse portfolio of imprints. Subjects range from Art ‘How-To’, Graphic Design, and Home Improvement, to Cooking, Gardening, Motoring, and Crafts. Quarto employs c.330 talented people in the US, UK, Hong Kong and Australia. The Group was founded in London in 1976. It is domiciled in the US and listed on the London Stock Exchange.



绘本picture books | 少儿文学children´s literature

2024年春季目录 (上载2024年4月24号)

Topipittori – created in 2004 – produces award winning picture books, with high quality texts and illustrations. In its first ten years, Topipittori published about 80 picture books. Since 2009, Topipittori publishes also a new collection of children’s literature – “Gli anni in tasca” , including also graphic novels – focusing on childhood biographies.



Button Books,
picture book 绘本 | board book | non fiction 科普 | activity book 活动书

2024年春季目录 (上载2023年11月5号)

Buton Books is an exci ing list of design-led children’s books, which includes round-cornered board books, wipeclean lash cards,  hardbacks with poster jackets, ac ivity books with s ickers and picture books with pop-out animals to make. Combining beau iful illustra ion, from retro to modern, with high produc ion values and innova ive ideas, each itle is a gorgeous addi ion to any child’s bookshelf.
