
Hogrefe,  德国
Psychology 心里 |  Self-help 健康自助 | Nursing & Medicine 医疗医学

2024-2025年目录 (上载:2024年9月4日)

Since the founding of the parent company in 1949, Hogrefe Verlag has continued to expand its publishing activities and is now represented in Austria, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland as well as in
the UK and the USA with publishing programs in the respective



 Hogrefe, 德国
专业心里学 Psychology, Psychotherapy & Psychiatry | 专业医护 Nursing & Medicine | 大众心里 Self-help | 育儿家教 Parenting

2024年目录 (上载2024年8月1号)

Psychology, Psychotherapy & Psychiatry
Most popular titles for professionals working in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy, and psychiatry.
Subjects include:
• treatment manuals for specific disorders
• handbooks on psychotropic drugs
• titles on psychological assessment
• titles on child and adolescent psychology

Subjects include:
• parenting
• dealing with mental illnesses in children

Subjects include:
• relationships and marriage
• how to cope with mental illness in oneself or in relatives
• wellbeing and health

Nursing & Medicine
Titles geared towards professionals working in health care that can simplify their everyday work as well as help improve their performance and therefore patients’ care.
Subjects include:
• nursing education
• professional issues and trends in nursing
• reference titles


Mondadori Group,
Parenting 育儿 | Psychology/Self-help 心理 | Health 健康
| Popular Science 科普

2024年成人春季目录 (上载2024年3月18号)

Electa spa, a Gruppo Mondadori company, was founded in Florence in 1945 as Electa publishing. It curates prestigious publishing projects and exhibitions under the Electa and Abscondita brands. Electa has been well-known for its leading role in the documentation and in-depth analysis of the various visual arts sectors for over 60 years. Its innovative publishing models, superb scientific quality and outstanding graphics have made history in illustrated publishing. The Electa catalogue includes more than 1500 illustrated titles and catalogues on art, architecture, archaeology, design and photography.



Benevento, 瑞士/德国
人文社科 | 学术类图书
History | Cultural History | Antiquity | Social Sciences | Politics | Philosophy | Sciences

2024年目录 (上载:2024年3月18日)

Benevento Publishing is a brand of Red Bull Media House and home to
five unique imprints: Benevento, Ecowin, Servus, Pantauro, Terra Mater
Books and Bergwelten.



Gräfer und Unzer, 德国集优出版社
Health 健康 | Family 育儿
2024年春季目录 (上载2023年11月5号)





2023年秋季目录 (上载2023年11月21号)

Octopus is a leading publisher of non-fiction books. It has extensive experience of working with high profile authors, trusted partners and associations to produce exciting, market leading books. The imprints each have their own identity and all publish highly successful titles of outstanding quality and content…


Québec Amérique

Québec Amérique ,
绘本 picture books | Visual Dictionaries | Practical Guides | Health

2023年春季目录(成人/儿童) (上载2023年2月22号)

Since 1974, more than 2,000 titles have been published by Québec Amérique, making for a rich and varied selection of fiction and essay titles. With an impressive number of award-winning authors in its catalog and the exceptional quality of the works it has published, Québec Amérique has shown unequivocally how commited and faithful it is to great literature.
TRANSLATION GRANTS: The Canada Council for the Arts reimburses 50% of translation costs for literary works. SODEC (Government of Quebec) provides financial assistance which can reach 75% of translation costs, including linguistic revision fees, for a maximum of $ 12,500.

书讯登记/新书推荐“Québec Amérique”


Parramón, Spain
成人:画技Practical Art | 成人健康Body & Therapies
儿童:文学Fiction | 非虚构 Non Fiction | 互动游戏Activity & Games

健康版权目录2023 (上载:2022年11日20日)
2023童书目录 (上载:2022年11日20日)

Parramón Ediciones was founded in the 1960s by artist and teacher of painting and drawing José Maria Parramón. He wanted to share his knowledge through books – and so his company first published Practical Art manuals, that Parramón Paidotribo maintains as some of its most recognizable titles. Parramón Ediciones later began to publish children’s books with an educational approach. It has focused on both domestic and international markets almost from the beginning.



Skyhorse Publishing, US
Popular Science 科普| Art 艺术 | Psychology心理 | Parenting家教 | Health健康等

Skyhorse2020春季目录 (上载:2020年8月26日)
Allworth2020春季目录 (上载:2020年8月26日)
Racehorse2020春季目录 (上载:2020年8月26日)

Skyhorse Publishing, one of the fastest-growing independent book publishers in the United States, was launched in September 2006 by Tony Lyons, former president and publisher of the Lyons Press. The company has had fifty-two New York Times bestsellers and has over 9,000 titles in print.

Through its 19 imprints, Skyhorse publishes an eclectic and maverick list of titles. Its imprints — Allworth Press, Arcade CrimeWise, Arcade Publishing, Carrel Books, Clydesdale Press, Front Page Detectives, Gary Null Publishing, Good Books, Helios Press, Hot Books, Night Shade Books, Not For Tourists, Racehorse For Young Readers, Racehorse Publishing, Sky Pony Press, Sports Publishing, Talos Press, Yucca Publishing, and Skyhorse Publishing — cover everything from nature, sports, country living, history, reference, travel, humor, health, art, business, philosophy, religion, politics, investigative and conspiracy, to fiction, literary nonfiction, science fiction, fantasy, and young adult and children’s literature. Its backlist includes more than six thousand titles.